Examples of Unprofessional Activity

I do not work in an engineering field, strictly speaking. However, in the telecom company I work at, foul language and interpersonal squabbles set a negative tone within the department.
I worked for Air Force Research Labs at WPAFB and they had incredibly high standards. In 2 years, I have seen no discrimination.
Not had a job in engineering but of all the places I have worked at there is generally a lack of hard work, frequent breaks and dishonesty are big problems.
I got in the habit (because of sleepless nights) of closing my eyes for minutes at a time at work and would prop myself up to look like I was working. This came back to bite me when I actually fell asleep for more than 15 minutes and my computer went to sleep and my boss walked in on me. This was probably one of the main reasons that led to my dismissal.
My job wasn't in engineering, but I did see problems across the board.
  1. Stolen property
  2. Unfair treatment of different gender
  3. Discrimination
  4. etc.

It wasn't an engineering job, but at an old job, the boss would often take credit for work that wasn't hers. The work was evidently good enough for her to take credit for, but it also came out that she criticized and badmouthed all the employees and their work at home.
My immediate superior often gets very angry when he is slightly inconvenienced. This makes the workplace very stressful.
There was a particular intern who would abuse the instant messaging service in the company, having long conversations that were not work-related. This same intern also made sexual comments that were unprofessional.
There was one female worker every male worker literally drooled over and made comments about her ``waist.'' This became a routine.
inappropriate e-mail showing people who were intoxicated with pranks that happened to them
swearing, sexist remarks
When I walked in the tech room (in between my room and the hallway to bathroom), there was a man talking (with his back to me) and talking about women's body parts and intimate apparel (specific words left out). I don't feel this type of conversation should occur int he workplace, whether it's all men or not.
My supervisor and his colleague were discussing porn in front of me in my supervisors office.
I have seen people call each other m— f—ers in meetings.

Inappropriate language
cussing, slacking off, napping.
incorrect time sheets, slight underhandedness in journal articles
They made up data on the parts the machines produced so they would be within the limit required by that company.
I worked at an automotive plant where engineers would often try to get away with doing things that were prohibited to do by the Union. They did this because it made it quicker to get things done.
When not attending a work function, the hiring engineer was upset with me among other issues, and told other co-ops that I would not be going back there. I found this out through one of the co-ops and brought it up to my supervisor. If there's a problem with me or my work, talk to me about it, not my peers.
Talking about other employees behind their back.
Two colleagues consistently talking about each other behind their backs.
I saw unprofessional conduct where pirated software was prevalent in the workplace and everyone knew about it and accepted it. It was a small company that claimed they would not afford licenses.
Stealing company property
Nothing except stealing work supplies
I have seen people stealing in the workplace (e.g., office supplies and personal chairs)
I have seen people utilize company resources for personal use (e.g., borrowing a van).
I have seen \emph{extended} smoke breaks, frequent golf outings, and excessive swearing. All of which I thought were mildly unprofessional.
Job foreman would take too long of lunch breaks. Fellow workers would tell me to put the same hours they did so they would not get caught for adding more hours. Job boss constantly told graphic and lewd sex stories that would make almost anyone uncomfortable.
I have seen co-workers taking lunch breaks well in excess of the allotted hour, and mis-reporting time sheets to a great degree.
I've seen some people leave early from work
Often times many co-workers took long lunches, and ``work time'' consisted of a lot of browsing the web for deals on plane tickets.
In the accounting industry, a friend was told directly by a corporate partner to not fill out her time sheet accurately so they would not deal with overtime.
Engineers expected to complete work but not allowed to charge overtime even if it was worked.

My boss regularly sends me e-mail forwards that are less than ``professional.'' He also \emph{told me} to lie on my timecards if it is convenient.

I saw people taking extended lunch breaks, other breaks, and maintaining 40 hours on their time sheet.
One guy at work took incredibly long lunch breaks and probably 15 smoke breaks a day.
The employees took excessively long lunch breaks.
People taking too long of breaks.
Cheating on the time sheets.

At the company I worked for, almost everyone would use the company computers to browse personal websites all day. As soon as the boss would start walking around they would minimize the window and keep working.
I have seen fellow employees who show up consistently 3–4 hours late. They have their own business where they answer their phone and handle many business matters at the other job. Effectively they show up for one paycheck and collect another one for their home job.
I have seen people hold meetings and continue to be vary narrow minded and not listen to the information the other people in the meeting were saying. They were not listening and did not try to implement anything anyone said. They just were very firm and narrow minded.
Incompetence. Projects being assigned to people who did not know how to work on them. CEO didn't know how to use PowerPoint.
An intern pursued a manager within the company. Not her direct manager but an elder influential person. Ended up engaged and then married but was still iffy at the time.
In my workplace we goofed around a lot. Throwing paper balls at each other, etc. We would also stick hole punches in odd locations.

I don't remember anything off the top of my head, but you could have an issue of flirting too much, cussing, napping.