%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Annotated example of a simple report in LaTeX %% %% (note: LaTeX comments begin with a %) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Build this document with %% %% pdflatex annotated_article_example.tex %% %% or %% %% latex annotated_article_example.tex %% dvips annotated_article_example.dvi %% ps2pdf annotated_article_example.ps %% %% The result will be annotated_article_example.pdf. %% %% IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this report uses cross references, you must %% build it *TWICE*. LaTeX finds all of the cross reference TARGETS first %% and then, on the second run, plugs them all in to the appropriate %% places. %% %% (note: any good LaTeX-friendly text editor will have these build %% lines built into it) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Every LaTeX document starts with a \documentclass line. The %% document class sets up the most prominent features of the document %% style (e.g., page styles, font, etc.). %% %% Standard document classes include article, book, and report. %% %% *) The article document class is the most commonly used for short %% documents. It provides sectioning commands and flexible titling %% options. %% %% *) The report document class gives you chapters and puts the title %% information centered on a separate unnumbered page. %% %% *) The book document class gives you the ability to make parts and %% chapters and is usually used in two-sided printing mode (e.g., %% page numbering alternates from being on the top left to top %% right of the page rather than in the bottom center). %% %% More advanced document classes include memoir, which is a drop-in %% replacement for the standard classes that has many other features as %% well. It folds in a rich feature set from some of the most popular %% packages (packages are explained below). \documentclass{article} %% Typically, after defining the document class, you include packages %% that have macro definitions that make life easier. % The standard report margins might be wider than you're used to. % Their size and proportions are designed to make text look better on a % page. However, you might want 1in margins. Comment out this line to % see what the default margins look like. \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % The graphicx package gives you the ability to include graphics and % scale them easily (in fact, you can scale or rotate or resize any part % of your document). \usepackage{graphicx} % The caption package provides lots of captioning customizations. Here, % we just use it for \captionof, which lets us have figures and tables % without having to deal with them ``floating.'' \usepackage{caption} % These math packages give you modern symbols and environments \usepackage{mathtools, amssymb} % These commands (provided by mathtools) change figures/tables/equations % so they are numbered by section (e.g., ``Figure 3.1'') instead of the % normal way (e.g., ``Figure 8'') \numberwithin{table}{section} \numberwithin{figure}{section} \numberwithin{equation}{section} % The varioref package can automatically put parentheses around % equation references. \usepackage{varioref} \labelformat{equation}{(#1)} % The hyperref package is a versatile package. Among other things, it % automatically hyperlinks cross-references (e.g., it links ``Figure 1'' % to wherever that figure actually is in the document). % The ``colorlinks'' option can be removed. It colors the hyperlinks. % % NOTE: The hyperref package should ALMOST ALWAYS be the *LAST* package % loaded in your preamble. \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % This new "environment" will cause everything in it to be centered and % grouped on the same page (good for figures and tables when you don't % want to use floats but you do want to have captions). You can use it % with % % \begin{centergroup} % ... % \end{centergorup} \newenvironment{centergroup}{\trivlist\item\begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}\centering}{\end{minipage}\endtrivlist} %% Here we setup the title page. %% *) The \\ commands force line breaks. %% *) The \and commands put space between author names. %% *) The \normalsize command resets text following it back to normal %% size %% *) The --- inserts an ``em dash,'' which is the long dash used to %% separate thoughts in a sentence. Similarly, a -- inserts an %% ``en dash'' to separate numbers in a range (e.g., 5--15), and %% a single - inserts a hyphen to separate parts of a hyphenated %% word. %% *) The \title, \author, and \date macros place text at different %% spots on the title page with different default text sizes. %% \title{Lab 0: Introduction to \LaTeX\\ ~\\ \normalsize ECE~758~--- Thursday, 1:30~--- T.~Pavlic (instructor)\\~\\} \author{Sally She \and Henry He} \date{Table 4\\~\\~\\\today} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN DOCUMENT CONTENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % We surround our main content with a ``document'' ``environment.'' This % marks the end of our LaTeX setup and the start of our document output. % % All ``environments'' are identified by \begin{...} and \end{...} % macros. \begin{document} %% Put the title page here (it will be centered on the page) \maketitle %% The report documentclass would automatically moves us to a new page %% after the title. Because we're using an article, we have to do it %% ourselves. Here, we also make sure that there is NO page number on %% the cover page and reset the page numbering so it starts on the %% actual first page. %% %% We can use \newpage or \clearpage to force a new page. %% *) \newpage creates a new page %% *) \clearpage creates a new page after making sure all figures and %% tables have been anchored and written out \thispagestyle{empty} % Removes page number on this page \clearpage % Moves us to next empty page \setcounter{page}{1} % Reset page number to 1 %% Optionally, you could put a \tableofcontents or a \listoffigures or a %% \listoftables here (these are not usually necessary for short %% articles or reports). %% %% Uncomment these lines if you want to see what they look like. Note %% that you'll have to run LaTeX at least twice to see the full effect %% (your editor may automatically do this for you). %\tableofcontents %\listoffigures %\listoftables %% Tell LaTeX to start a new section called ``Introduction'' \section{Introduction} %% Here, we use the standard \ref command to fill in the appropriate %% number of the Measurements section (see its label below). The procedure can be found in section~\ref{sec:proc}. Measurements can be found in section~\ref{sec:meas} and theory can be found in section~\ref{sec:thy}. %% Because we're including the hyperref package, we could use the %% \autoref command instead. The procedure can be found in \autoref{sec:proc}. Measurements can be found in \autoref{sec:meas} and theory can be found in \autoref{sec:thy}. %% Tell LaTeX to start a new section called ``Procedure'' %% (here, we add a \label command so we can refer to this section in %% other parts of the document (like the introduction above)) \section{Procedure} \label{sec:proc} A picture of the circuit can be found in \autoref{fig:picture}. % Normally, most LaTeX references have something like the following: % % \begin{figure}\centering % % some image here, perhaps an \includegraphics line % \caption{Some figure.} % \label{fig:picture} % \end{figure} % % OR they add the optional [ht!] argument, like: % % \begin{figure}[ht!]\centering % % some image here, perhaps an \includegraphics line % \caption{Some figure.} % \label{fig:picture} % \end{figure} % % Putting something in a ``table'' or a ``figure'' environment makes it % ``float'' to the best place on the page. There are ways to reduce how % easily it ``floats'' so that it stays near by. The [ht!] argument is % one of those ways. It TRIES to make sure the figure stays where you % initially put it, but you have no guarantee of that. % % By using a ``figure'' environment, your \caption command produces a % ``Figure #.#: '' in front of your caption. You can refer to the figure % elsewhere in the document by the name given by your \label command. % % The \centering makes sure the figure is centered. % Instead, we are going to ENSURE that our figure stays put. It is NOT % going to float. We use a {centergroup} environment. However, we % cannot use the simple \caption command because LaTeX doesn't know what % KIND of caption (e.g., figure or table) we want. So we have to use the % \captionof command and pass it ``figure''. \begin{centergroup} % Usually, you will be including some external graphic. % % If you are using pdflatex to build your document, you can only % include PDF, PNG, GIF, or JPG files. % % If you are using latex to build your document, you can only % include EPS files. % % If you omit the extension (e.g., \usepackage{some_figure}), % LaTeX will look for figures with the appropriate extension. So % if you have some_figure.jpg and some_figure.eps in the same % directory as your document, you'll be able to use either % latex. % % The \includegraphics line below has an optional [width=...] % argument added that scales the document so that its width is % half the width of the text column. I could have done % [width=2in] or [width=5cm] instead. Or I could have left out % the [...] part entirely and used the natural width of the % image. % % For now, I'm COMMENTING OUT the includegraphics and putting a % dummy box in instead. %\includegraphics[width=0.5\columnwidth]{some_figure.png} \fbox{A cool graphic would be here. Instead, you get a framed box.} \captionof{figure}{Some figure.} \label{fig:picture} \end{centergroup} %% A new ``Measurements'' section with label \section{Measurements} \label{sec:meas} Measurements can be found in \autoref{tab:data}. % As with the {figure} discussion above, usually you see something like % % \begin{table}\centering % % some table generation here, usually using a {tabular} environment % \end{table} % % OR, if you don't want the table to ``float'' as MUCH: % % \begin{table}[ht!]\centering % % some table generation here, usually using a {tabular} environment % \end{table} % % By using a ``table'' environment, your \caption command produces a % ``Table #.#: '' in front of your caption. You can use refer to the % table elsewhere in the document by the name given by your \label % command. % % The \centering makes sure the figure is centered. % % Again, because floating figures sometimes isn't optimal for lab % reports/etc., we use an non-floating environment and then the % \captionof command with ``table'' as the first argument. \begin{centergroup} % % The tabular environment takes one required argument. Because % it's required, the argument goes in curly braces (instead of % square braces). That argument defines the justification of % each column. In this case, we want THREE columns that are each % CENTERED. % % *) In the table, each row is ended by a line break (\\) % *) An ampersand (&) separates cells in a row % *) The \hline macro draws a horizontal rule followed by a line % break % % If you want vertical rules, replace the {ccc} argument with % {|c|c|c|}. That is, put pipes (|) where you want the vertical % rules. % \begin{tabular}{ccc} Frequency & Gain & Phase Shift \\ \hline 10 Hz & 5 & 0.01 radians\\ 20 Hz & 5 & 0.1 radians\\ 1000 Hz & 2 & 1.5 radians \end{tabular} \captionof{table}{Some data.} \label{tab:data} \end{centergroup} %% A new ``Theory'' section with label \section{Theory} \label{sec:thy} % We can typeset equations easily with environments like ``equation''. % By using ``equation*'', the equation does not get numbered. By using % ``equation'' and a \label command, the equation gets numbered and we % can refer to it later. % % If we want our math to be in-line, we surround it by single dollar % signs (like $v = 5$) instead of using an equation environment. The average power over period $T$ % \begin{equation*} A_v = \frac{1}{T} \int_0^T v(t)^2 dt, \end{equation*} % and so % \begin{equation} P_v = 4. \label{eq:average_power} \end{equation} % By \autoref{eq:average_power}, $P_v < 10$. We can do Greek letters too, like $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, $\delta$, $\varepsilon$, and others. For example, % \begin{equation*} \pi \approx 3.141592653589793\cdots. \end{equation*} %% Here, we start a section called ``Acknowledgments.'' Because we used %% \section* command instead of the \section command, the section does %% not get numbered. \section*{Acknowledgments} Some acknowledgments would go here if necessary. \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%